The Sowdens team check-in on their favourite Insta-accounts

An in depth analysis of IG photo content and social media marketing

Nearly had you with our fancy title, didn’t we? Well, we’ve already got serious about social so we thought it was time to have a little fun (and Paul was out of the office). So in the name of research, here you have it, a roundup of our favourite IG accounts that make those dull, frosty mornings that little bit brighter.

#1 @yorkshirewildlifepark

If you aren’t following them already then you’re in for an absolute treat! We are all extremely jealous of their Social Media Executive and we LOVE interacting with their feed on the daily. Games, cute animals and lots of LOLs, what more could you ask for?

#2 @GoodType

Inspired by the American West Coast’s treasure trove of lettering, designer Brooke Robinson gave us the @goodtype. As creatives, we’re always looking for new inspo and this Insta is an absolute gold mine. With eye catching styles and creative concepts, it’s a constant flow of inspiration and a designers dream.

#3 @Live_life_exploring

You can’t write a blog on IG accounts and not include your favourite Digital expert’s. We see her in the office, but you may see her in various cosmopolitan cities such as Krakow, Venice and Amsterdam. With an eye for edgy architecture and the nose to sniff out a great deal, Ash often fills the office with envy.

#4  @therebelgirlsclub

We sooo want to be a part of the Rebel Girl Gang, we love their inspirational messages and the idea behind the blog; inspired and dedicated to the fantastic ladies of Hull, it features Rebel Girl moments from the likes of @HelloBakerGirl, @Emma.Picks and @JemmaKlein.

#5 @Fentimansltd

Fentimans are forever tantalising our taste buds with their mouth-watering feed featuring their botanically brewed soft drinks and mixers. Envious of their eye-catching imagery, Fentimans is definitely Pinterest board worthy and with regular competitions and giveaways, we’re hooked.  

So there you have it, the Sowdens office IG picks. We’re always open to suggestions so hit us up if your Insta would make the cut. @Sowdens


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